Safety is our primary concern
Safety is our primary concern
Ensuring Everyone is cared for

Mr Scott Acheson – Health & Safety Manager & Junior Project Manager.
Scott is the latest family member to join Building Solutions Ireland Ltd
He graduated from the University of Ulster with a Bachelor of Science 2/1 degree in Construction, Engineering and Management.
The company have sent him on several Health & Safety courses, and he has a platinum CSR card for Health and Safety management and supervision. The Company have invested £43,500 on new scaffold, scaffold towers and implementing health & safety systems (paper and electronic).

the Safety Manager visits
Sites and work places to give advice and implement safety procedures

It is our policy that work will be carried out in accordance with the relevant statutory provisions and all reasonably practicable measures taken to avoid risk to its employees or others who may be affected.
Management and supervisory staff have the responsibility for implementing this Policy throughout the Company and must ensure that health and safely considerations are always given priority in planning and day-to-day supervision of work.
All employees and sub-contractors are expected to co-operate with the Company in carrying out this Policy and must ensure that their own work, so far as is reasonably practicable, is carried out without risk to themselves or others.
Mr Scott Acheson has particular responsibility for health, safety and welfare and to whom reference should be made in the event of any difficulty- arising from the implementation of this Policy.
The operation of this Policy will be monitored by the management and staff of the Company. To assist them in this respect, the Safety Manager will visit sites and work places and give advice on the requirements of the relevant statutory provisions and safety matters generally.
A simplified form of this statement and the organisation for health and safety will be issued to all employees, also a guidance note on safety responsibilities will be issued to all Sub-Contractors. The organisation and specific arrangements for implementing this policy will also be available at each site and work place for reference by any employee as required.
We will ensure that employees at all levels implement the Policy, so far as is reasonably practicable, by provision of:
a) A safe place to work
b) A safe and healthy working environment
c) Plant and structures designed and maintained to operate and function safely
d) Carefully laid down systems of work brought to the attention of employees by instructions and procedures for the safe use of plant, the performance of operations and the safe handling of substances and materials
e) Supervision of operators by competent personnel
f) Training to carry out Job requirements
g) Protective clothing and equipment
h) Medical advice