Committed to providing the finest


Committed to an integrated management system

We ensure to deliver quality objectives and organisational goals.

Our objective is to operate as a profitable and independently controlled business servicing the needs of our clients for the construction, facility management and maintenance of buildings and civil engineering contracts.

It is the committed policy of the organisation to achieve these objectives by development and continual improvement of its operations through an integrated management system that will comply with the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001:2000, Industry Regulations, Approved Codes of Practice and relevant product standards and be maintained by the implementation of documented processes for management functions that are properly controlled and monitored to ensure the quality of service and prevention of non-conformity.

In order to ensure the effectiveness and continual improvement of the integrated management system we will set measurable quality objectives that will be regularly reviewed and reported on.

Building Solutions Ireland​ will ensure that the importance of the policy and objectives in meeting its clients as well as statutory and regulatory requirements are communicated to all staff. The organisation also undertake to ensure that the competence and commitment of its staff to deliver the services required meets the needs and expectations of its clients through the adjustment of its quality objectives and organisational goals.

All persons within the organisation will be required to undergo a programme of staff training and development to ensure they understand, implement and maintain the quality policy and objectives.

The IMS Manager is appointed as the Quality Representative to act on behalf of the organisation with regard to all quality matters and is responsible for the regular review of the quality policy and objectives to ensure their continuing suitability.

All employees and sub-contractors are expected to co-operate with the Company in carrying out this Policy and must ensure that their own work is carried out to the required standard as a minimum.

All employees have the responsibility for implementing this Policy throughout the Company and must ensure that quality considerations are always reviewed and implemented in planning and day-to-day supervision of the work.

Lynn Acheson has been appointed as having particular responsibility for quality and to whom reference should be made in the event of any difficulty arising in the implementation of this Policy.

Our Policy and quality practices are communicated at all levels and sites of the Company and are reviewed on a continual basis.